The MOST important shift in Industry… 5.0

The MOST important shift in Industry… 5.0

In this video, Zack Scriven shares the background of all the industrial revolutions and answers the question: What is Industry 5.0? What is it? Why does it matter? And why is Industry 5.0 the MOST important SHIFT in Industry since the printing press?

What is the Industry 4.0 Mindset?

IIoT vs Digital Transformation vs Industry 4.0

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  1. Aaron Monahan on February 20, 2023 at 11:52 am

    lmao he scratched

  2. Avik Biswas on February 20, 2023 at 11:52 am

    I like this video and also the channel for very good & informative videos.👍🇮🇳

  3. Michael Rada on February 20, 2023 at 11:54 am

    For all who would like to talk to INDUSTRY 5.0 on this channel, join it on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 where I was invited to talk about the FIRST INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION EVER LED BY MAN (HUMAN) from the position of INDUSTRY 5.0 Founder and I am really looking forward to doing so.

  4. Khaled Khebbeb on February 20, 2023 at 11:57 am

    Thank you for this overview of I5.0.
    There are many points that are quite unclear to me though..
    Let’s assume I4.0 is totally mastered :
    – Services are ubiquitous, fully connected, interoperable, free of vendor lock-ins, affordable and easily deployable
    – infrastructures are scalable, modular, heterogeneous, secure
    – Data and control streams are automated, secure, reliable
    – Decision making is autonomous, high-level policies dtiven, almost at real time, it’s implemented at different scales and granularities (IOT, CPS, MES/SCADA, ERP levels) in a coherent and complementary fashion. It is decentralized
    – interaction with machines is safer, fully operational cobotics and digital twins are implemented

    So ok, business models are now efficient, steady, robust and adaptable
    Supply chains are self-aware, self-managed for the most part, reliable and secure

    All this (would need decades to be entirely fulfilled) would mean that, indeed, very few human involvement will be required in industry, hence the worktime offloading. Right. 👍

    So let’s talk about the next step : "I5.0 is mature I4.0 but it doesn’t aim at profit anymore, it aims at emproving human lives ! It will be value and mission oriented"
    Okay ! 👍

    But some important questions rise in the above mentioned I5.0 philosophy :
    * who decides of "value" ?
    * since value is not profit but rather "qualitative", how will it be implemented?
    * what are examples of missions in "I5.0 is mission oriented and human centered" ?
    * what are the main technologies that will be used and how ?
    * how is metaverse different than just a AR/VR digital twin model ?
    * can I5.0 exist if it’s not absolutely globalized ?

    And then let’s talk social considerations :
    * isn’t I5.0 philosophy (in my opinion using ambiguous and fuzzy terminology) just a way to say to the working class "hey, you’ll lose your job but no worries, we got you covered. Take this universal income and just go do some farming or cooking or whatever you’re up to. And no, you’re not evolving socially" ?
    * will every human accept the final forms of that "human-centric values" statement ?
    * any examples of how lifestyles will be affected ? Will all that be considered positive by every human?
    * are all countries and economies ready for such a shift ? How to ensure that universal income and how to allow small economies to survive in such a landscape ?"

    Let’s talk environnement :
    * what would be the energetic costs of such globalized massive web services and infrastructures ?
    * Can a green production source be sufficient ? 🤔
    * circular economy is a very decent concept indeed but it is still all about profit, isn’t ?

    What I see in I5.0 is pure profit
    The only use of the word "industry" means profit
    All the (buzz)words that are being used are meant to do profit
    I think I4.0 is good of mankind at a certain extent. It is honest about its goals and if mastered would really improve productivity whilst minimizing efforts

    But I5.0 seems to be ideological
    It’s all about profit
    But a different kind of profit
    For a different kind of economy
    It’s a revolution about consent 🙃

  5. Wise commenter on February 20, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    Once we accept robotics in our society we are done as middle class. Human centric is full of crabs once is spread everywhere then thongs will change

  6. Mister Fusion on February 20, 2023 at 12:02 pm

    Industry whatever-point-oh is still just a marking term. It’s an attempt to define contemporary technologies from a top-down "non-technical" perspective. It’s always presented as a nebulous collection of vague ideas to sell enterprise integration systems.

  7. Martin Maat on February 20, 2023 at 12:03 pm

    The takeaway for me: industry 5.0 is a fantasy from the perspective of a young 2020s gamer. I am pretty sure in 50 years the consensus on the definition of industry 5.0 will be vastly different. What is presented here is not a logical next step, it is ideological wishful thinking. Which is important but it does not define a time period that has not even started yet.

  8. Aditya Srivastava on February 20, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    The only thing comes to mind is computing and it’s possibilities that will never be able to imagine things to the extent humans are capable of and this is something why human will be centre to all of this as forthcoming many revolutions are going to be based on what humans imagine about the future in the current revolution and then make it happen to the extent it’s possible 😁✌🏼

  9. Kenneth Nhlapo on February 20, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    Wow did not know that!

  10. Gokhan Yildiz on February 20, 2023 at 12:06 pm

    Thanks for the video. I appreciate the effort and find it useful. However, giving too much credit to Elon M does not make sense for an industry wide revolution/evolution paradigm. So, how do you reflect what Elon did to the Twitter employees after he bought out the company? Is it another mistake similar to his mistake when he pushed for humanless factory for Model 3?

  11. Shouzeegestof on February 20, 2023 at 12:06 pm

    The next industrial revolution needs to be the one described by Gunter Pauli and his concept of blue economy. An eco-systemic economy that is localized, has multiple branching products that feed each other in a cascading manner via the "waste" that each branch/ product produces, eating up the damage we’ve done in the last couple of centuries. It’s a mental /framework shift as well as a practical one, but until we start working this way I won’t consider any technological revolution – in the classical sense – as "progress", although technology can certainly help.

  12. Weldopedia on February 20, 2023 at 12:09 pm

    there is no 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0… its just competition… only simps need a label… you’re either ahead or behind of your competitors… keep it simple… benchmark your audio

  13. cherubin7th on February 20, 2023 at 12:13 pm

    To me this sounds more like a mix of Industry 4.0 (as described by Schwab: As the merger of physical and digital reality) and politics (the same old politics that never changed anything to the better).

  14. Scott Palmer on February 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Tesla doesn’t create energy. it stores it with it’s batteries. Teslas does not produce a product with a low carbon footprint; factor in all the mining that took place to get the supplies for the batteries and watch their carbon footprint soar. It was too hard to take the rest of your video seriously and now this channel.

  15. Dr. Chris Perry on February 20, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    Awesome video, look forward to be a part from the UK

  16. Petter on February 20, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    Great video Zack. You always find very interesting topics to ponder about. Appreciate it a lot.

  17. JarlN on February 20, 2023 at 12:17 pm

    So virtue über alles….

  18. Damian Valle on February 20, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    Thanks for the information Zack, this is an excellent and interesing information. all clear.

  19. 임건묵 on February 20, 2023 at 12:25 pm

    Really Good Video. I could completely understand the Industry 5.0 I really appreciate it, Zack.

  20. Yogesh Rao on February 20, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Zack, I feel what you’re saying about IR5.0 is ideological as many others have pointed out.
    Intentions of being Human-centric is down to the people who own the enterprises or the Govt regulatory bodies, it cannot be an Industrial movement, I was interested to learn more about the technology side of the changes, Metaverse is over-rated and it makes no sense to build and own things in a virtual world, that’s intangible to most people, the Real world is more beautiful and healthy for our minds, I get we can have things controlled or sensed by using a medium such as Virtual reality, but so far there is no evidence it will help improve anything,
    as far as Environmental sustainability is concerned that’s already there in Industry 4.0.
    IR5.0 seems to be far away and I think that could be when we achieve Superintelligence with AI, we may have to rely fully on AI on running the plants, operations as well decision making, that day is very far away, probably in the 2050’s, I would like to revisit my comment though 😉

  21. Chickenz on February 20, 2023 at 12:31 pm


  22. הבור האורגני במעגן מיכאל בורגני- Borgani on February 20, 2023 at 12:41 pm

    Thank you!!! we are all HUMANS

  23. Mark Parkhomenko on February 20, 2023 at 12:41 pm

    Устойчивое развитие – это успеть первым освоить 90% природных ресурсов планеты, а остальных загнать в каменный век. Западный мир с первой частью задачи уже справился

  24. Manny Hernandez on February 20, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    I think you’re explaining the totality of I-4.0 BEFORE we hit I-5.0; Industry 5.0 will be driven by climate, economic survival, and resources. Industry 4.0 is still unfolding and it all started with the expansion of wireless networks and everything is built on that foundation of anything-anywhere… Nothing you’ve explained is part of 5.0, you’re just making it a buzzword.

  25. Michael Rada on February 20, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    Dear Zack, thank you very much for your interest in INDUSTRY 5.0. Your video was delivered to me during the INDUSTRY 5.0 development control today. My name is Michael Rada, I am the Founder of INDUSTRY 5.0 implementing its principles in a real business environment since 2013 already. I am confused that during your extensive search for the information you miss any of more than 3.000 articles and keynotes published by me since 2014.

    INDUSTRY 5.0 is not the fifth industrial revolution, but it represents THE FIRST INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION EVER LED BY AN (HUMAN). It is not based on technology or virtualization but on the principles of systematic waste prevention (INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING) recognizing four types of waste – PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, URBAN, and PROCESS WASTE. YOu can learn more from the only existing INDUSTRY 5.0 definition published 14 months after the official launch of INDUSTRY 5.0 on December 1st, 2015.

    I would be happy if you connect with me, or any of the 89 INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADORS representing INDUSTRY 5.0 principles in 89 countries.

    In the end, I would like to point out that ELON MUSK is not representing INDUSTRY 5.0, in fact, he rejects to adopt its principles in his factories, despite the fact that he is informed about its existence and development since 2013 already.

    Have a nice day free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe
