President Joe Biden Just SHOCKED The Entire EV Industry! | HUGE News!

President Joe Biden Just SHOCKED The Entire EV Industry! | HUGE News!

In this video, we look at a big revelation from President Joe Biden, who recently stated that American automakers should discontinue electric vehicle (EV) production and instead focus on hydrogen technology. This daring declaration has sent shockwaves through the automotive industry, confronting key firms such as Tesla, Ford, General Motors, and others that have made significant investments in EVs.

President Biden’s shift of focus from electric vehicles to hydrogen fuel cells raises concerns about the future of green technology in the United States. As Tesla continues to dominate the electric vehicle market with its unique battery technology and huge charging network, this new directive has the potential to radically alter the landscape. Rivals such as Ford and General Motors, which have been increasing their EV manufacturing to compete with Tesla, are now facing the difficulty of transitioning to hydrogen.

The repercussions of this policy change go beyond the borders of the United States. International automakers like Toyota, Hyundai, and Honda, which have already made significant advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology, may gain a competitive advantage. These companies have long advocated for hydrogen as an alternative to battery electric vehicles, citing benefits like as faster refuelling times and longer driving ranges.

In this comprehensive analysis, we look at the reasons for President Biden’s drive for hydrogen, the possible impact on American automakers, and how this transition may affect global automotive trends. We also look at the technological and infrastructure obstacles associated with hydrogen adoption, as well as whether this strategy can truly compete with the well-established and fast growing EV market.

Join us as we explore this watershed moment in automotive history, addressing how this shift could reshape the future of mobility, impact key automakers, and redefine the race to sustainable energy. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates on the automotive industry and green technologies.


  1. @bertlexington7716 on June 30, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    We better start drilling

  2. @tman4915 on June 30, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    Completely ridiculous gasoline is king and I’d be pretty pissed if I was a car manufacturing company that was wasting all this money on an EV movement because the government said so to just to basically scrap it and start with hydrogen fuel cell. The incompetence is definitely not in short supply.

  3. @mikldude9376 on June 30, 2024 at 10:04 pm

    All full electric cars are flawed , hydrogen probably has some merit , at the same time, it makes cars more complex , and it adds to more steps to make transportation work.
    With hydrogen, they then have to root around trying to make the hydrogen, the cars become more complex , more expensive, and just like electric cars requires significant cost to fuel sellers who then have to equip for hydrogen.
    A better way would be to just keep ICE vehicles which are already proven, which require mostly basic raw materials that are easy to get , very much less destructive to planet earth because ICE vehicles don’t require cobalt, lithium , etc , etc like electric cars do.
    A better way would be to keep ICE vehicles and just use some fuel that is relatively clean , ethanol apparently is 40 to 50 % cleaner than petrol, and modern car engines are already pretty clean compared to the old days , ethanol can be made out of corn , barley , sugar cane , grass and other other things .
    The internal combustion engine is a wonderful power unit that can be tuned to run on all manner of different fuels, and what comes out of the exhaust is dependent on what you put into the fuel tank .
    The only reason we use petrol and diesel is because it’s so easy get and refine , the diesel is just the crap that’s left over after they process the petrol.
    Stay with ICE vehicles imo , just improve the fuel quality.

  4. @robertalvorson8410 on June 30, 2024 at 10:06 pm

    we need to get joe into the nut house fast the sooner the less stuff he can F-ck up FJB cuse he is f-cking everyone

  5. @user-wf7pe3zb8q on June 30, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    Bloody idiotic waste of resources. MAKE ICE ENGINES MORE EFFICIENT. Which I know they can be….

  6. @roberthenry2226 on June 30, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    this is still an EV, the hydrogen fuel cell is simply a battery substitute

  7. @shemp308 on June 30, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    From bad to worse! Our country generates 65% of all electricity from fossil fuels! Hydrogen needs twice the amount of electricity to create half as much energy. This is insane. We need a clean, burning, renewable energy. Fortunately, we already have it. So why aren’t we using it? Because our politicians refuse to give up their taxes on alcohol. Yes, I am talking about ethanol it burns clean, and it is 100% renewable! And could power every automobile truck and motorcycle with minimal upgrades to existing vehicles going back to the model T that, by the way, would have used it if not for politicians’ greed for tax dollars. And your gasoline automobile already has 10% ethanol in it right now. Flex fuel vehicles can use 100% ethanol without any changes. But dont believe me do your own research.

  8. @alwolf833 on June 30, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    100 % it is the right thing for
    Our survival ,not fire burning electric puts off to much carbon

  9. @martinburnette6950 on June 30, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    While I am no fan of Joe Biden, I am very interested in H2 Vehicles. I have a Mirai with 600 miles I had hoped for a Trump victory in 2020 and enter the H2 arena from a position of strength. Now that we ALL know that the administration has told us from the border to inflation to weaponizing the justice department against Trump to a halfhearted attempt to now roll out Hydrogen all assisted by the drive by media. That’s right, the democrat drive by media and now they all act as if it was a huge surprise that Biden is incapable of counting the marbles he has left. If you tell someone something is great long enough as the media has done for the last three years about this administration, the people who want to believe, believe their lying eyes.

    If anyone is really interested in Hydrogen and quite frankly, it is my opinion that we should be but let’s do it from a position of strength not as a political maneuver. I have posted the following thoughts on various sites over the last several years:

    This was an answer to a previous comment.
    Only there was and is little consideration for the environment. I have not bought into the climate change extortion. However, I will say that the petroleum industry is poisoning our planet. Whether it be the smell of fumes while pumping gas or the poisons emitted from the tail pipe of any Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). Not to mention the reckless disposal and the inability to recycle all plastics, a topic for another day.
    Now, why I am so excited about another alternative fuel? Imagine if we lived in a world where we could drink the emissions from the tailpipe of a car. That excites me. Let me take us back to a time when automobiles were just around the corner.
    The very first long-distance automobile trip was fueled by a petroleum cleaning product, Ligroin, purchased from an apothecary while traveling. See the YouTube video “Mrs. Bertha Benz” I only offer this because fuel for the ICE was hampered by the lack of infrastructure.
    Would it be surprising that most of the first automobiles were BEVs?
    Could the demise of the first electric automobiles be attributed to the internal combustion engine, Henry Ford, and a gas station on every corner, John D. Rockefeller?
    In 1902 the first Baker Electric was a two-seater priced at $850 and weighed in at 3,000 lb. An accident during a public road race injuring several spectators didn’t help the popularity of electric cars. The 1910 Baker Electric offered a luxurious model seating 4 and priced at $2,800. After failing sales the last Baker, Rauch & Lang cars were made in 1916.
    By comparison The Ford Motor Company offered the Model T in 1908 at $780. Ford’s mass production saw a sharp drop in price to $290. In 1927 Ford rolled the 15 millionth Model T off the line. The new Model A was available in 1927 in 4 colors at $500. The millionth Model A rolled off the line in 1929 and later that year the 2 millionth car.
    John D. Rockefeller and others formed The Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran the company until his retirement in 1897. Gasoline was becoming an important product because of the internal combustion engine which watched Rockefeller’s wealth soar.
    The huge price difference between the Baker and the Ford with the availability of cheap gasoline drove the market to the mass-produced ICE (internal combustion engine)
    One may wonder what may have happened if neither man existed. Could it be said that petroleum and the assembly line were a cheap distraction to the development of the Electric Vehicle?
    Fast forward to the 21st century. Gasoline is relatively inexpensive; the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) is king. However, there is a movement towards EVs (Electric Vehicles. Unfortunately, the movement is toward BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles). There is a great car salesman that has had a great platform who is genuinely concerned about people and our environment. However, I believe this person has become so invested in his battery technology that he has become blinded to the development of another alternative clean energy storage.
    Like gasoline the components to a battery are up front cheap and dirty. Batteries may not be the worst considering petroleum. So, history is again repeating itself in the name of cost. Batteries are a distraction to the development of a permanent clean solution for energy storage.
    Please let me introduce Hydrogen (H2) and while it is currently more expensive to produce and is less efficient to use than fossil fuels it, when produced with renewable energy is clean. When used as a fuel its only emission is water.
    An addendum to the above paragraph as follows shows real world improvements to H2 Production.
    (Hydrogen Production: Thermochemical Water Splitting) Using waste heat from nuclear reactors has dramatically reduced the cost of Hydrogen production. Who knows what lays ahead once nuclear fusion or modular nuclear plants becomes a viable source of energy regarding H2 as a fuel to power the world day or night, wind or windless.
    When we arrive at the time when renewable energy becomes cheap and abundant it will make sense to use H2 as a grid backup not for 4-5 hours as the current batteries are expected to last but for an infinite amount of time or until the H2 runs out. It will make sense to use H2 in all forms of transportation. Save the chemical batteries for Segway’s and everything smaller. Hence, smaller and fewer of the large weekly thermal runaway fires.
    Let’s address the real reason there are few H2 Fueled vehicles in use.
    There is little infrastructure to support the Hydrogen Movement. The chicken or the egg syndrome is a real challenge. However, we do have petroleum subsidies to the tune of 646 Billion Dollars in the US alone. No wonder gasoline is so cheap. Last year 2023, world total of 7 Trillion Dollars worldwide. If a 50 Billion Dollar reduction from petroleum were earmarked for H2 infrastructure development yearly including dedicated nuclear, solar and even wind generation. It would slowly phase out petroleum.
    As I said before I personally have not been convinced that there is a legitimate claim to the effects of so-called climate change. That said, what I do believe is that petroleum is poisoning our environment. I believe it is responsible for many of the world’s illnesses, diseases, ailments, and sicknesses not noticeable prior to the middle of the 20th century.
    During this same period renewable energy will increase, Hydrogen could be produced with any means possible to supply the demand and then weaned from fossil fuels gradually as the renewable supply increases.
    At the same time, you would see more and more Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCEVs) on the road.
    Currently the price of H2 is high and inefficient compared to gasoline. Experts believe the price will be so low that it will outweigh any inefficiencies H2 offers while offering a perfectly clean universal product.
    Pricing for fueling stations currently ranges from 400k to $2,000,000.
    The Alaska Pipeline, July 28 1977 produced its first barrel of oil at a cost of 8 billion dollars. Today’s dollars would be 40.632 billion USD.
    At worst case scenario, $2,000,000 each, 3,000 fueling locations placed strategically at Interstate intersection locations (14,000 locations) or all cities population above 5,000 (19,495 locations) would show a high conservative number of $6,000,000,000.
    Without question pricing per station would be considerably less in such volume.
    Double it, and it’s only a fraction of what those who dared do the impossible did in 1973.
    My vision is to see a collaborative effort between two or more automobile manufacturers or anyone so inclined, to form the same type of consortium as was and is still 46 years later, The Alaska Pipeline to provide one fill station in every city with either dealer. Granted, scalable fill stations installed with solar panels and an electrolyzer are approximately nine times the cost of a group of six charging stations. Consider five to ten minutes at a H2 station vs. an hour at five or six charging stations. The key words are scalable and green H2.
    Ignorance, greed, and H2 infrastructure are the real reasons there is little appetite for a faster growing Hydrogen economy.
    Looking forward to a day when I can safely drink from my auto’s tailpipe.
    My skepticism has been aroused as this program is reminiscent of other government backed programs then at $500 million in 2005 or $832,192,078 today, Solyndra Solar or another similar priced program Cash for Clunkers. It also reminds me of the ongoing saga of the plastics industry while pouring from a bottomless pit of promised solutions to a world tragedy program after program of broken promises of which we have become the unwilling recipients.

  10. @edwardchipp7200 on June 30, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    Gold hydrogen (natural from continent margins, mid continent rifts etc, with more geologic areas to be discovered) makes tonne more sense…cost about 1/2 to 1/4 as much as green. Do a little research…with deep sea zones possible cost may be less.

  11. @kenweidemoyer2221 on June 30, 2024 at 10:25 pm

    Bad idea stay with electric and fix the power grid, Thanks for sharing.

  12. @peeweeacres on June 30, 2024 at 10:41 pm

    FJB just showing the USA he has no idea what the HELL he is doing and all his ideas are nothing but trash.

  13. @TexasPilgrim007 on June 30, 2024 at 10:46 pm

    The only time they go off script is when they lie to get (re)elected.

  14. @Supermanscave on June 30, 2024 at 10:48 pm

    Joe said no more gas cars,joe said EV is the way to go,now its hydrogen. Pick one .

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