Our 20 Favorite TV Cars Of The 90s

Our 20 Favorite TV Cars Of The 90s

The 1990s was a period of some pretty memorable vehicles. When we think of that particular era of car culture, we might automatically think about the vehicles that have been seared into our collective memory from movies. Who could forget about classic movies from the ’90s like Speed or Thelma and Louise? They’re films where the vehicles used became larger than life; they were cars that almost felt like additional cast members of their movies.

However, it’s unfortunately way too easy to forget the influence the television of that decade had. The ’90s were filled with shows that remain incredibly influential to this day.

The fun part of the various sitcoms of this period was when the world of the show would be opened up a bit more, and they would have episodes that explored beyond the characters’ apartments. Whenever an episode with a car was made in the ’90s, it always felt like a big deal. For example, the scenes of Seinfeld covering the nature of parking lots and parking, in general, were exciting for television at that time.

Over the years, several shows would lean on this idea by including something unusual for television. A rare and cool car would effectively elevate your program to something much more than an entertaining half-hour of TV. In retrospect, watching TV from the ’90s is arguably now even more fascinating—the scenes with cars serve as great little time capsules of what cars looked like back then. Here are a few of the cars we loved that made various appearances on ’90s TV over the years.