New Study on Electric Cars Shocks the Entire Car Industry

New Study on Electric Cars Shocks the Entire Car Industry

Electric car vs Gasoline car review. New Study Shows Electric Cars are a Scam, DIY and car review Scotty Kilmer. Electric car review. Worst electric cars to buy. Buying a new electric car. Buying a used electric car. Should I buy an electric car, hybrid car, or gasoline car? How much does it cost to run an electric car. Why not to buy a electric car. The truth about owning an electric car. Car advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 55 years.

⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Mid-Grade Scan Tool:
3. My Fancy (Originally $5,000) Professional Scan Tool:
4. Cheap Scan Tool:
5. Dash Cam (Every Car Should Have One):
6. Basic Mechanic Tool Set:
7. Professional Socket Set:
8. Ratcheting Wrench Set:
9. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
10. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:

⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Cheap Scan Tool:
3. Professional Socket Set:
4. Wrench Set:
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:

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  1. MR GG on February 21, 2023 at 11:55 am

    105,000 for a bad car 🤡

  2. Nasty Nate on February 21, 2023 at 11:56 am

    We are all victim of the global elites vision of electric cars, it is going to happen whether or not we want it to. Thats why I bought a new 2023 VW GTI, figured I would get myself a nice sporty car before they take em away from us. I agree with you scotty, but a lot of leftists argue to the contrary. They want electric and they don’t care if its actually better or not. Its virtue signaling and elitism.

  3. Glen Gordon on February 21, 2023 at 11:56 am

    Can you imagine how much range you would get on a -30C winter day in Canada 10 to 20 miles if you were lucky!!!

  4. Wayne Levett on February 21, 2023 at 11:56 am

    I have a petrol 2021 Hyundai but I won’t take it further than 50 Kim’s from home because it’s old & making a lot of noise. My leaf does 133 kilometers max so it’s about the same range with both cars. Leaf cost’s zero as I only charge from my own solar.

  5. John Oehrle on February 21, 2023 at 11:58 am

    as a performance car, the tesla model s is fabulous. having to think about charging the batteries eliminates it from consideration.

  6. Robert Cummings on February 21, 2023 at 11:58 am

    You better leave a hammer in your EV in case you get in a bad accident you can break a window to get outc

  7. Nick Taylor on February 21, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    What about the mining of minerals required to manufacture lithium batteries??? Not very eco friendly!

  8. Brandon on February 21, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    This is why I love my Chevy Volt. 35 electric miles for daily driving, and a gas engine for my longer trips. The perfect all in one package 🙂

  9. James Peyton on February 21, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    Imagine trying to charge your EV in sub zero weather and having to wait 45 minutes or more in a cold car. Then having diminished driving range because of the cold. This will also create a greater demand at the charging stations which will increase wait times.

  10. Felix Li on February 21, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    Scott said @ 10:12 that for 50% of Americans who own 2cars or more, "best bet is to own 1 gas car and 1 BEV". He also implied that for those who own only 1 car, "just own an EV for daily use and rent a gas car for long trips."

    Well, isn’t it obvious that a ready solution in a single vehicle already exists today for both types of owner?

    PHEV(Plug-in hybrid)

  11. Raymond Martinez Jr on February 21, 2023 at 12:08 pm

    My concern is that at some point, after the government(s) mandate an end to petroleum powered vehicles and then at some point declare lithium ion batteries toxic. Government(s) would remove our freedoms of mobility. Yikes!

  12. JohnnyTrombone on February 21, 2023 at 12:10 pm

    EVs don’t even really reduce pollution, they just move it where you can’t see it while being inferior products and adding their own pollution in the form of Cobalt/Lithium mined by children. Then consider 10k for a home charger, lack of public chargers, extra strain on already strained power grids, and a much shorter lifespan.. they just don’t make sense except as a way to get some woke brownie points

  13. wade cooper on February 21, 2023 at 12:12 pm

    Good job, but There are a host of new battery technologies coming out like solid state and graphene batteries among others. You don’t need a huge range, a few hundreds because you are going to stop to get snacks and a bathroom break and every few hundred miles. Unless you are a long distance courier you will not drive more than 400 miles a day, it is fatiguing. Cars with small battery packs don’t weigh that much and though it is not easy to intergrate more batteries yourself but if you can there are always cubby holes to fill. I am waiting for a cheaper battery before I buy an electric car. This will drive down the cost of the older electric models and make them affordable. My Chevy truck cost me $2500 because it was a piece of junk. They have planned obsolescence issues and the average gas car is meant to last about 7 to 10 years before going to the junk yard. My truck is over due. An electric should last 20 years and can have easy upgrades. See Gruber Motors dot com But you did a pretty good job on this issue. It’s just that this is getting so much better than gas cars that have had a century to make leaps and bounds with their efficiency and they seem to be stuck at around 30% efficiency and the electric is pushing 90%. Next will come the big semi trucks and then airplanes. The best electric airplane out now has about a 600 mile range for 11 people to ride, and that’s pretty cheap to operate.

  14. bosstherapy on February 21, 2023 at 12:16 pm

    All these batteries come from slave labor over 70% of all cobalt comes from the congo mined by basically unethical slave labor with no protection or masks.

  15. Jacob R on February 21, 2023 at 12:16 pm

    And if you can’t afford 2 cars just get a hybrid

  16. nfsfanAndrew on February 21, 2023 at 12:17 pm

    EVS are junk.

  17. busywl69 on February 21, 2023 at 12:18 pm

    how are those batteries handled when they run their course?

  18. Al Pa on February 21, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    smartphone battery life sucked for a while but now the newest iPhone Pro model lasts me all day no problem even after shooting hours of 4k video and browsing etc same will happen with cars. It wasn’t the battery that changed it was the efficiency same will happen with the cars.

  19. 404NoNameFound on February 21, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    Whether you like EV or Not, countries and govs will tend to impose stringent policies in the next years. The role of these policies is to promote clean energy. And hence electric vehicles. That’s why many Automakers have started in recent years to focus on EVs.

  20. Iain H on February 21, 2023 at 12:21 pm

    The issue about EV range is about charge time. To illustrate, how many people worry about the capacity of the fuel tank in their car? How many people discount a performance car due to its range? They might not like the higher mpg, but it would be unusual for range to be the issue. Why? Because it takes almost no time to refuel, you can do it everywhere and so the vehicle range is practically limitless. Now look at EVs, they are nothing like this. As an example, my Dad lived 215 miles away. There would be NO chance to charge while there. So to ever visit him I’d need 450 miles range or more. If the car cannot do this I am not going to be hiring a car each time I need to visit, especially in an emergency and so unless you can enjoy the luxury of running an EV for regular use and having a ‘distance car’ for those visits, holidays etc. then EVs just become impracticable

  21. Moniker on February 21, 2023 at 12:22 pm

    I worried about range issues before I bought my Tesla Model 3, but it’s turned out not to be a problem keeping it charged. Last summer I drove from Chicago to Jackson Wy and back again. I was able to easily do 800 miles a day without driving into the night. It works so well that I could never go back to an internal combustion engine vehicle again.

  22. Just Me on February 21, 2023 at 12:22 pm

    I think the best idea would be to have a plug-in hybrid and a pure EV. This way you have two cars that run on electric for 99.9% of your driving, and you have one that can take you on the occasional long trip. I agree with Scotty that people get too worked up over range. For your normal daily use for the majority of the year, it is irrelevant.

  23. Barrettson on February 21, 2023 at 12:22 pm

    I laugh when someone tells me that electric cars are reliable. When in reality, electric cars decrease in mileage the more you drive them, and have rough suspension. And my RAM 2500 increases in mileage the more I drive it, and rides comfortably on air-ride suspension.

  24. Captain Nemo on February 21, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    Someone once said it well: "An EV is not a car, it’s just a piece of tech."

  25. Peter Azlac on February 21, 2023 at 12:26 pm

    The main problem with current EVs with Lithium-ion batteries is the risk of fire during collisions or as they age and corrode such that it is like driving around on top of your own barbecue grill with you as the potential meat. Given that it can take 3 hours and over 30,000 gallons of water to put out an EV fire we only have to have a fire in a parking house linked to an office and apartment building and we will have a disaster. This is especially a problem during charging with more than one bus garage being gutted as a result.

  26. Eugenia Skelley on February 21, 2023 at 12:26 pm

    I want to know how an EV does in rush hour traffic where people are sitting bumper to bumper inching a long and it takes sometimes and hour and half to go about 14 miles. Sitting in traffic like that, how much energy does it use up.

  27. raythackston1960 on February 21, 2023 at 12:29 pm

    All my favorite vacation spots are all further away than ANY EV will take me. Which means I would have to stop for an extended period of time to recharge. So I would have to use 2 days of my vacation time, which is very limited as it is, to have the car. And I have 3 vehicles which all do not cost what an EV does. And if the estimated mileage of these EV’s is like all other vehicles the milage range will be less…a lot less. And I drive straight through to any of my favorite spots with just one stop in the middle. That rules out all EV’s.

  28. william kennedy on February 21, 2023 at 12:29 pm

    I live in Manchester UK my parents are at Lands end Cornwall 370 miles away, i can easily clock over 1000 miles in a weekend when i visit , anything less than 600 mile range i would not consider , but there is more, I am an Internal combustion fan, I own a 32 year old SL ( my hobby car) , my day run around is an E class and my wife has a small GM, if EVs were cheaper i would consider replacing the GM, BUT AT WHAT COST ? it is still better to go with internal combustion cars. EVs have a place but i don’t think we are ready for them as yet i consider them a fad .. Long live internal combustion. AND thank you for all your videos which are thought provoking.

  29. PanamaSticks on February 21, 2023 at 12:30 pm

    I don’t want to spend my life sitting in a charging station. Since I usually drive 800 miles on a trip, I’d need an EV with the same range. I don’t want to rent a gas car for the long trip

  30. Peanut Gallery on February 21, 2023 at 12:31 pm

    I’ll stick with my 1985 Lincoln town car, it’s big, bad and beautiful, i get complimented every time i go for a ride, why change it?

  31. Hobo On Wheels on February 21, 2023 at 12:32 pm

    If EV was a good thing govt wouldn’t have to finance the chargers, and if it was a true Tesla, it wouldn’t need batteries, and a lot of oil and gas is used to build and electrify them just another way to use oil and gas for transportation.

  32. Gus Meggs on February 21, 2023 at 12:32 pm

    You forgot to address cold weather. Battery life goes way down.

  33. Samhain606 on February 21, 2023 at 12:33 pm

    What happened to the solid state battery we were waiting for?

  34. ALBERT WASHINGTON JR on February 21, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    Uh, and what’s the cost of those recharges compared to fuel?

  35. joeashbubemma on February 21, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    Prices need to come down. Way down.

  36. Dan Cooney on February 21, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    I will NEVER buy an electric car

  37. Jager's 4xFORD on February 21, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    Some Insurance companies will not allow home owners to park an EV in the garage. Also some apartment buildings will not allow tenants to park in their underground garaged. And when the power goes out for days at a time? EVs are a very expensive fad.. Ev companies should offer an adoption program for the dirt poor African kids who are forced as slave labor to mine cobalt and other minerals used in EV batteries.

  38. Scotty Kilmer on February 21, 2023 at 12:36 pm

    What Every Guy Wants for Christmas:

    Thanks for watching! Like and Subscribe for More Vids Daily ►

    ⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
    1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
    2. Mid-Grade Scan Tool:
    3. My Fancy (Originally $5,000) Professional Scan Tool:
    4. Cheap Scan Tool:
    5. Dash Cam (Every Car Should Have One):
    6. Basic Mechanic Tool Set:
    7. Professional Socket Set:
    8. Ratcheting Wrench Set:
    9. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
    10. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:

    ⬇️ Things used in this video:
    1. Common Sense
    2. 4k Camera:
    3. Camera Microphone:
    4. Camera Tripod:
    5. My computer for editing / uploading:

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    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

  39. music authority on February 21, 2023 at 12:37 pm

    What most people don’t understand? is nothing is free. basically anything that a person does, is in one way or another, there’s going to be a cost involved. ultimately a person would want to shoot for the best efficiency possible. to sum it up, if you want play your going to have to pay.

  40. Dave McKewan on February 21, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Until I can fully recharge an EV to 100% (none of this 80% nonsense) in 5 mins then they should all come with a minimum of 500 real world driving range. All of them, regardless of price.

  41. Brentwood Bergmann on February 21, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    I sell Subarus for a “living”. We are introducing the all electric battery powered Solterra this month. It’s all wheel drive and costs about $50,000. Range in good weather is 225 miles. The car was actually built by Toyota as a joint project between the two manufacturers and should be one of the most technological EV s to date. I hope Toyota doesn’t give Subaru all the lesser quality versions and keep the best ones. We will see how the two versions compare once a few years has passed.

  42. iheartselenaG on February 21, 2023 at 12:39 pm

    EVs lose charge just while parked 😵‍💫

  43. Opiter on February 21, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    I’m most concerned about battery degradation. Batteries lose range over time, unlike gas vehicles. Until they come out with hot-swappable batteries, I won’t consider companies and governments serious about electric cars.

  44. marquise on February 21, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    Great vid

  45. John Oehrle on February 21, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    added weight (almost all cars over 3000 lbs) ruins fuel economy. mt bmw 2002 was 2000 lbs, 2 doors, no air, no airbags, no anti-lock, stick shift… with engine advancements it would easily top 50mpg without hybrid.

  46. tugquarles on February 21, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    Gasoline has a massive supply chain in place.

    I can’t afford an EV.

    You forgot about heavy vehicles create accelerated tire wear.

    I drive 50K miles a year.

  47. Casey Warren on February 21, 2023 at 12:46 pm

    You also forgo the advancements being made in Salt based batteries. They will be integrated with lithium ion batteries in alternating packs to help with increasing range and increasing range in extreme weather conditions as salt based batteries don’t care as much about cold/heat related stressors. They have also faster to charge but currently slightly less energy dense then lithium ion.

  48. mrjohnnybond on February 21, 2023 at 12:47 pm

    The price of gas increased in part due to taxes meant to incentivize EV purchase.
    Even so, even 1000+ bucks isn’t enough to rent a vehicle for a reasonable amount of time.

  49. David Hedges on February 21, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    Buy the car that has the range you need, and the cheapest running costs, if you need to go further hire a car with the range you need …
    The first will be an EV .. the second might be as well, but will probably be ICE

    For someone stated as against EV’s as they’re not ready, you are good at advocating buying one

  50. TM SMITH on February 21, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    They are not made for the cold weather.
    Last week every Tesla I seen was holding up the traffic as it was really cold and they where using there heating and blowers on a very high setting all day as it was freezing all day and week and I think the heating and blowers being on high setting all day= no power.