MWC 2022: Qualcomm CEO’s Keynote on the Future of Automotive

MWC 2022: Qualcomm CEO’s Keynote on the Future of Automotive

Qualcomm President and CEO Cristiano Amon’s MWC 2022 keynote focused primarily on the future of automotive and addressed the ongoing digital transformation across industries — highlighting the roles of 5G, AI, and cloud computing.

For more than a decade, people have used their smartphones within their cars for GPS, entertainment, and communications. Qualcomm understood early on that cars function as mobile computing devices. There was an opportunity to innovate in the automotive space, and Qualcomm was determined to put all the best capabilities of smartphones directly inside the car’s cockpit.

With the introduction of the Snapdragon Digital Chassis, Qualcomm redefined the driving experience — and revolutionized the automotive industry. By connecting the car to the cloud, the car became a mini data hub. As cars become more connected to the cloud through 5G, they become more intelligent. They also become more connected to everything around them, including pedestrians, other cars, bikes, buses, and infrastructure like traffic lights and road signs.

At MWC 2022, Qualcomm announced three new additions to its automotive suite. Snapdragon Car-to-Cloud offers connectivity as a service, with global connectivity support, integrated analytics, and cloud-enhanced apps and services. The Snapdragon Telematics Applications Framework simplifies app development for OEMs, and leverages telematics functionality across all Snapdragon Digital Chassis platforms. And the new Wi-Fi 6E Automotive Chipset enables 4-stream dual-band simultaneous connectivity tech — crucial for the connected car’s myriad latency-sensitive applications — and integrated Bluetooth with LE audio.

This new era of intelligent transportation can drive the reduction of fuel consumption by 20 percent — consistent with Qualcomm’s reputation for designing chipsets that minimize power consumption, as well as its decarbonization goals more broadly.

Qualcomm has already partnered with more than 20 leading automakers, including luxury brands like BMW, Cadillac, and Ferrari. Thanks to Snapdragon tech, the world is entering a new transportation reality — one that is simultaneously smarter and safer.

Learn more automotive at Qualcomm:


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