I-Team: Car Repair Critic Shakes Up Body Shops, Insurance Companies

I-Team: Car Repair Critic Shakes Up Body Shops, Insurance Companies

By Randy Travis, FOX 5 I-Team

Aired Apr 15 2019

KENNESAW, Ga. (FOX 5 Atlanta) – A fraud complaint filed with Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner reveals a bitter dispute between a chain of body shops and an independent appraiser critical of some of their repair work.

At the heart of all this: people afraid to take their newly-repaired cars back on the road. People like Pam Skinner.
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“I was just like pretty upset,” she admitted.

In October 2018, Skinner’s Nissan Pathfinder was rear-ended. It was clearly the other guy’s fault; their insurance company paid for the repairs. Pam took her car to Classic Collision of Kennesaw.

Classic Collision runs a string of body shops in Georgia and Alabama. They came up with an estimate of $7,773.19 for Pam’s SUV. Two months later, they said it was ready. To Pam, it looked as good as new.

But Pam knew the insurance company also owed her some additional money — called Diminished Value — because accidents affect the overall value of the vehicle even after it’s been repaired. She didn’t know how much to ask for, so she contacted an expert recommended by a friend.

David Montanaro runs Southern Automotive Consultants. A former body shop owner himself, he’s quickly become a thorn in the side of repair shops and insurance companies by publicly criticizing the quality of the work.

“A structurally-misaligned car doesn’t drive right,” he explained. “It’s dangerous.”

In Pam’s case, Montanaro took apart the Pathfinder to check Classic Collision’s repair. He criticized the body shop for not replacing the back lift gate and quarter panel originally damaged, instead the shop spending 18 hours repairing the damaged metal.

Montanaro told Pam her car should have been totaled by her insurance company and might not protect her in a future accident. She says she’s too scared to drive her car.

“I thought insurance companies, when somebody hits you, they’re supposed to make you whole,” she said. “And I have not been made whole.”

“It saves a tremendous amount of money to fix these parts versus replace them,” Montanaro explained.

Montanaro filed his own complaint against Classic Collision, a collusion complaint with the US Attorney General, claiming some body shops cut corners on repairs in hopes of getting a steady stream of future business from the insurance company. The Justice Department would not comment.

Hoping to prove his point, Montanaro secretly recorded his phone call with the manager of Classic Collision in Kennesaw. They were talking about that original estimate for Pam Skinner’s car, the one Montanaro insisted should have gotten a new quarter panel and lift gate. The manager — who once worked for Montanaro — says his bosses turned down his request for those parts.

“I got all the bigwigs involved,” Ian Morris says on the recording. “I said it needs a quarter (panel) needs a (lift) gate. They said Ian, it doesn’t matter what you want.”

No one from Classic Collision would talk to us on camera or make Ian Morris available for an interview. In a series of written statements, a Classic Collision spokesman said the repairs in Pam’s case were “within industry standards and the least invasive.” Classic Collision has since offered to replace the parts, even suggesting paying a different body shop to do the actual work. Pam Skinner said no. The company claims they’ve been targeted for “a shakedown.”

Classic Collision filed a complaint to the Georgia Insurance Commissioner that Montanaro was “operating as an adjuster without a license” and illegally negotiating settlements with insurance companies.” Their attorney says the independent appraiser is needlessly frightening their customers.

Montanaro fired off a reply, denying the accusations and telling the Insurance Commissioner that he had actually found five cars repaired by various Classic Collision locations that had an “inferior and unsafe ‘repair’ and then delivered back to their unsuspecting customers.” The company denies any unsafe repairs.

The Insurance Commissioner cleared Montanaro of any wrongdoing with his business. Since then, Classic Collision has filed a fraud complaint. The Insurance Commissioner won’t comment on that.

Montanaro told the Insurance Commissioner his critical reports convinced Classic Collision or the insurance company to later buy back cars from the customer.

FULL STORY: http://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/i-team/car-repair-critic-shakes-up-body-shops-insurance-companies


  1. DAVID PERRY on February 28, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    Insurance companys pay body shops too little ,collision work and body work in general is hard pain in the ass work

  2. Thomas Matey on February 28, 2022 at 5:28 pm

    Once a wreck always a wreck

  3. Kaylin Johnson on February 28, 2022 at 5:32 pm

    normal wear on a car can be more dangerous but then again if you know nothing about cars what can you expect. I feel there is 2 problems here 1. people all over the world needs important car parts replaced : breaks , tire rods, ball joints , control arms you get my point, but frame damage..ok? and 2nd collisions shops have been ripping off people for years and years because most of us don’t know about metal forming in the first place so what else is new.

  4. RJN0607 on February 28, 2022 at 5:32 pm

    For those who get into accidents, go with a body shop that is preferred by the insurance company as long as you have the collision insurance.

  5. F DA MAN on February 28, 2022 at 5:33 pm

    I think its worth noting that this guy was a direct competitor of classic collision for many years and has always had a hard on for them. This is not a defense of classic but they made no mention of the insurance company that was most likely responsible for the cheap repairs. I used to work for classic collision for about five years so I know what goes on behind the scenes. The reality is that the insurance company dictates completely the repairs that get done and if you dont do what they want the they will pull the shop out of the program. The point I’m making is that insurance companies run the show. If they tell the shop to fix something rather than replace it,then the shop has to do it.insurance companies completely dictate the entire process in this situation. I would be willing to bet money that the insurance company is geico. And I’ve seen them do really shady things like refuse to pay to fix damage that you can’t see on the outside, which no shop should tolerate but it’s either that or lose all the buisness. If anyone should be punished it should be them. As far as this "inspector" goes,he is absolutely fear mongering by telling people that their cars are unsafe to drive. In most cases that’s just not true. And to say that the Benz in this video should have been totaled is rediculous.it was absolutely repairable. Even if you double the price it still wouldn’t be anywhere near enough to total that car. In order for a car to total the cost of the repair has to exceed 85% of the cars value. This guy is targeting this shop to promote his inspection business by drumming up fear in the customers of classic collision because they are the largest independent company in GA.

  6. anonymous every day on February 28, 2022 at 5:33 pm

    When I get a dent on my car or van I take my car or van my mates work shop to get it repaired for only £60

  7. Dodge Ram 01 on February 28, 2022 at 5:34 pm

    They offered to fix it for free and she said no! she just wants money and 5 min. of fame!

  8. DPT on February 28, 2022 at 5:36 pm

    Good Shop NOOOOOOO… NOT TRUE… Look what they did TO THIS CUSTOMERS CAR!! https://youtu.be/plZsmowOgH4

  9. Pugbug288 on February 28, 2022 at 5:37 pm

    44 bucks an hour? You can’t get a lawnmower fixed for that per hour.

  10. Devin McNair on February 28, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    Sugar hill collision has been on the radar for unethical business for a while. They don’t repair cars. They try to make their profit by charging incredible storage rates, teardown, and keeping cars hostage from owners. The guy named David Monterano has been found guilty on insurance fraud and is not allowed by law to work in a body shop in Ga and SC. He’s on a war path to bury other repair shops out of spite and the fact Sugar Hill collision teamed up with him tells me what kind of business they are.

  11. Heath Blair on February 28, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    Saw on that estimate $44.00 an hour labor rate. There’s part of the problem right there. How can you make money at that rate in 2019? You can’t. Atlanta has always been a cutthroat body shop market.

  12. David Buckley on February 28, 2022 at 5:41 pm

    Insurance companys constantly cut bodyshop costs to the point where it looks like it’s the bodyshop made the desicion to replace or repair, bodyshops always estimate for new panels but are cut down on costs by insurance who know f something is being repaired or replaced ! It’s either go with it or not have a business. Insurance companys are the problem here not bodyshops

  13. Flying Banana on February 28, 2022 at 5:42 pm

    “Fender bender” is considered, “totaled”? Fawken dumbass

  14. Phil Chigges on February 28, 2022 at 5:43 pm

    Been telling people about these scams for years.its all shops and all insurance companies.their all in bed together.from a former tech who worked over 25 shops across 45 years.all those cute commercial are to distract you the customer.the people screwed the most are the car owners and the repair techs.everything is based on lies.everything.

  15. Matt Seals on February 28, 2022 at 5:44 pm

    Thanks for furnishing like awesome content.

  16. Tenzack YOGI on February 28, 2022 at 5:48 pm

    Don’t trust on too much insurance companies. Try to find cheaper insurance after all they are cheating us anyway..

  17. Mr King on February 28, 2022 at 5:49 pm

    I need an inspector please let me know if you know in Virginia

  18. Mad Face on February 28, 2022 at 5:51 pm

    This story is all BS.

  19. Spongebob Squarepants maya on February 28, 2022 at 5:52 pm

    Their body language be weird

  20. eadams1057 on February 28, 2022 at 5:52 pm

    Yeah BS on that Mercedes. Most cars over a few years old get totalled when 1 or more airbags deploy due to the cost of them and additional parts that need replacement after a deployment. Most newer vehicles with unified construction can be brought to factory specs on a frame machine.. Cars 20 years ago may have looked like they sustained less damage but they weren’t safer if you search a crash test of these vehicles. Watch what happens to the crash test dummy in the older vehicle. A newer vehicle may be a total loss due the cost of repairs exceeding the value of the vehicle including its salvage to the insurance company but the driver walks away.

  21. beefchuck on February 28, 2022 at 5:54 pm

    insurance and repair is such a rip-off. Consumers always stuck holding the bag. Pay your vehicle off and use minimum coverage.

  22. M A on February 28, 2022 at 5:56 pm

    The local mafia runs title lein scams on tow ins throughout this area. #brevard #melbourne #florida #gator #chrysler #Boniface #popalock

  23. salvagedrover on February 28, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    I want to know what Montanaro thinks of ARTHUR TUSSIK, WHOO-HOO!!!! “Siempretvyette, svymiey Artoor!!”

  24. F DA MAN on February 28, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    No way that would total that benz

  25. Phil Chigges on February 28, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    Body shop owners all lie.all of them.its a part of it.and every insurance company is crooked too. Sorry if this busts your bubble.

  26. Makwan Dusti on February 28, 2022 at 5:58 pm

    Excellent Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I would love your opinion. Have you researched – Parlandealey Vanish Ringworm Process (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is a good exclusive product for revealing how to repair your vehicle without the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my GF after a lifetime of fighting got amazing success with it.

  27. Pie 4life on February 28, 2022 at 6:02 pm

    Fixed bashed metal isn’t the same how I got it from the factory it’s not fair we pay high insurance for them to use cheap labor

  28. Vince Black on February 28, 2022 at 6:03 pm

    Total a car for small damage. I get it if it’s a cracked or a bent frame. But come on body panels. Get out of town. My wife’s getting wrinkles in her body panels as she is getting older. Guess I need to confirm she’s totaled and put her out to pasture. 😂 probably have to get three estimates first. 😂

  29. Jonathan Guevara on February 28, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    Montenero is the real scam artist here. A failed business owner with bitterness towards the industry and is now out for money.

    Typical greedy wannabe entrepreneur.

  30. ollie joles on February 28, 2022 at 6:07 pm

    sounds like the body shop i drive truck for in ringgold ga

  31. Cousin John Car Stuff on February 28, 2022 at 6:15 pm

    I am not trained in body repair, BUT a close friend was hit by a person who did not look first changing lanes. Bumper and fender replaced. Fender looks like it has a bad case of Acne, the bumper cover already has paint peeling. The gaps where the finder and bumper meet are too big at the top, and overlapping on the other side. It seems in this case "Looks good enough, get the next one in!" BTW, it was the body shop of the dealer where it was purchased from…

  32. Nick on February 28, 2022 at 6:17 pm

    An improper repair that needs to be corrected later on can and most of the time does total a vehicle. Especially when oem parts are necessary to do the work. After the repair is done, the cars value is much lower. Then if the work isn’t done right and needs additional work, it’s not uncommon for it to total the car.

  33. ChitownBanging on February 28, 2022 at 6:23 pm

    That guy is shady as hell you see what he’s trying to do destroy one company to build up another….Plus he’s probably mad that that big shop has the most contracts in his little shop doesn’t maybe he’s a side owner of the little one

  34. Michael Overs on February 28, 2022 at 6:24 pm

    Iam calling bs on some of these cars being unsafe some of the work isn’t great the Benz being totaled bs.this inspector is trying to make a name for himself