How Will The Automotive Industry Change In The Next 5 years? Automotive Predictions 2023 S4 Ep7

How Will The Automotive Industry Change In The Next 5 years? Automotive Predictions 2023 S4 Ep7

#automotive #automotiveindustry #auto
We talk to Steven Bragg a Partner from Pitcher Partners about the future predictions 2023 of the automotive industry. Steven shares with us what he believes are the major trends and what car dealerships need to do to survive into the future.

The automotive industry is changing at a rapid pace, yet not everyone has caught up to this reality. Steven gives his predictions on how the industry will look like in 2024 and beyond, and it’s not all about electric cars or self-driving vehicles. Instead he talks about how dealerships can use technology to stay relevant and survive and the opportunities for those car dealerships that make the change.

In this video we discuss:
– What is causing disruption in the auto industry?
– What trends will dominate in 2023?
– How can dealerships use technology?

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00:00 Introduction
01:06 Agency model and risk of dealers being marginalised
05:55 Electric and autonomous vehicles
10:47 EV infrastructure
13:44 Key levers Oem’s and dealers should use
19:07 Future of automotive industry
26:54 What must dealers do to deal with the future
31: 00 Pitcher Partners service to the industry
34:49 Summary

This information on this site is intended as a general reference for Internet users. It is made available on the understanding that Talking Automotive with Mark & John, as a result of providing this information, is not engaged in providing professional advice. Viewers & Listeners should seek their own advice re undertaking any commercial actions. All information in this site is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of accuracy, timeline


  1. Talking Automotive with Mark and John on March 27, 2023 at 5:55 pm

    Are you curious about the future of the automotive industry? We are, too. That’s why we talked to Steven Bragg, a Partner from Pitcher Partners, about his predictions for how things will look in 2023 and beyond.

  2. John Zuma on March 27, 2023 at 5:57 pm

    Steven touched on the cost of getting the infrastructure in place that is needed for EVs. That is something that our politicians don’t seem to realize. So if governments want to have EVs as the only cars being sold in 12 years then they need to realize that the it will take longer than that to upgrade the electrical system to supply the power needed for the cars.

  3. John Zuma on March 27, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    There is a development of IC engines running on hydrogen in Europe. That still requires the production of hydrogen as well as having the infrastructure to get it to the customers.