How the Auto Industry Cheats and Has a Huge Environmental Impact | Dieselgate | ENDEVR Documentary

How the Auto Industry Cheats and Has a Huge Environmental Impact | Dieselgate | ENDEVR Documentary

How the Auto Industry Cheats and Has a Huge Environmental Impact | Dieselgate | Investigative Documentary from 2017

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat device and investigate the dangers posed by NOx (nitrogen oxides) emissions.
We also look at Peugeot-Citroen, now the subject of a judicial inquiry and also Renault, accused by investigators of consciously defrauding the emissions tests. Our source from inside Renault reveals that his job was to ensure that the car’s emissions stayed under the standard while in lab conditions only, with no regard for the real impact of pollution in cities. And there is no doubt that air pollution kills. We meet a team of researchers from MIT who say there have been 4000 premature deaths across Europe due to NOx excessive emissions due to diesel cars marketed as ‘clean’.
Thirty people in France are now taking the state to court for not protecting them. Ministers claim that no one knew about the problem until recently. But we reveal the truth. We meet the ex-European Commissioner for the Environment who first raised this issue in 2011 long before the VW scandal. And surely now that the scandal has been revealed, things will change for the better? Recently in Europe all 27 member states voted to increase the allowed standard for NOx emissions to more than double.
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  1. Roland Such on January 19, 2023 at 7:23 am

    From the manufacturer’s point of view, they met the testing criteria; the new regulations have changed the requirements. The new tests are more difficult to pass, as was shown with the single vehicle tested for the programme. Even with the “relaxed” figures, new vehicle have to be cleaner to meet the figures under the new testing criteria, and so an improvement has been achieved. The next point is the difference between the USA and Europe; although it varies from State to State, on the whole, in the USA, the vehicle must meet the legislation and requirements at the time of its initial sale; after that, no one really cares, see the “Coal Rollers!”. In Europe, emissions testing is part of the regular roadworthiness testing, albeit on a roller and not under “real road” conditions. So the European public has more protection in the long term than the general public in the USA.

  2. Daniel on January 19, 2023 at 7:24 am

    I drive only petrol cars with LPG gas instalation for economy and less pollution, i hope hydrogen technology will becone more better because this is the future

  3. fred flintstoner on January 19, 2023 at 7:25 am

    Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
    Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam. "
    Mrs Richards: "It’s not good enough!"
    Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?…"
    Mrs Richards: "Don’t be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
    Basil: "You can see the sea, it’s over there between the land and the sky."
    Mrs Richards: "I’m not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
    Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa’s not erupting at the moment?"

  4. hdj81Vlimited on January 19, 2023 at 7:27 am

    Every brand does this magic computerfraude in the cars. VW makes the best diesels in that periode.

  5. Robin Jeremiah on January 19, 2023 at 7:27 am

    This is Europe where regulation are imposed on this, Africa must be worse than this.

  6. jfv65 on January 19, 2023 at 7:28 am

    Interesting video.
    VW has bought up all these diesel cars in North America. They should make a dedicated factory in which they pull all the diesel drive lines out of those cars and install BEV drive lines in them. They can recycle the metals from those diesel engines and resell those converted BEV cars as cheap BEV’s. That way VW could recoup some of it’s losses, profit from ervaring it’s market share of BEV’s and somewhat restore it’s reputation and public image.

    As for Renault and PSA: shocking to learn that they didn’t even try to remedy the defeat software. Shame on them! But i do want to make the point that both Renault and PSA now offer BEV’S. The Renault ZOE has even been the best selling BEV in Europe for a while. There is also the Nissan Leaf, an early popular BEV. Nissan is part of Stellantis, the same conglomerate that owns Renault. So they are moving in the right direction.

    As for the EU relaxing the emission norm for diesel cars: i am not surprised. Guess who has the biggest lobby organisation in Bruxelles? VAG!
    Guess who are big share holders in Renault? The french state, Nissan and Mercedes.
    The political interests are just so massive.

    BUT there is hope on the horizon. If i am not mistaken the EU has decided that as of 2030 it will be no longer allowed to sell new ICE cars in the EU. (gasoline AND diesel cars). So after 2030 the number of ICE cars on the road will start to drop FAST.
    Then this NOx problem will go away.
    In the mean time many large European cities are already banning (older more polluting) diesel cars and trucks from city centers.
    And governments are strongly subsidising the switch to BEV’s.

    The problem with Diesels is that the diesel ICE is at the end of it’s potential. There are only small gains to be had in teams of power, efficiency and emissions. They can’t be improved much more.
    That is at the core of dieselgate. Diesels can’t get cleaner but society demand cleaner air. That’s it, the end of diesel passenger cars will soon be a fact.

  7. JurisKankalis on January 19, 2023 at 7:29 am

    Very well done journalism – and that’s it. Journalism – for the sake of journalism. Contains several errors – and as many instances of journalism of modern times – shouts because of shouting (publicity), not because of shouting is necesserily grounded. Taking the world’s 8 largest cargo ships off out of the commission would reduce emissions by the same amount as the ENTIRE car fleet of EU. Car emissions amount to 10% – and falling – globally. The concentration of emissions in the same room as even a burning candle – not even talking about an operating gas stove (or god forbid – a camp fire) – is at the same level, or higher, than modern diesel cars. The number of people calculated by a stake-holder (550) who have died prematurely is literal … well, sounds evil to say – thousands of times less than people who die of smoking and drinking (or cancer caused by the wrong preservatives in food) EACH YEAR, let alone from other environmental harms which these journalists chose not to shout about – like fracking, manure pollution from pig/poultry/cattle farms, jet aircraft, diesel trains and boats – THE REASON for all of that is threefold – FIRST, cars are in the centre of our everyday lives, SECOND – governments need to appear to be having this climate thing under control – so they issue useless regulations – do they do much? I don’t know, all I know is the air in urban environments has been becoming steadily cleaner since 70ies, and – as regards governments (US, EU, etc) having their grasp on anything – look at vaccination and COVID. They’re just people doing people things. THIRD – car manufacturers are very much influenced by the public opinion – hence the whole cheating and abiding by the "environment handling" regulations. Need more? EGR is not a "valve" – it’s an entire system, it’s not a filter – that lets the burned exhaust gases repeatedly into the inlet air of the engine – drastically reducing longevity of engines (how much environmental impact does it cost to produce/design a single engine?), but put in place because panda, whale and polar bear lovers have been shouting very loudly – also, why show a late 80ies car (E34 generation BMW 5-series), which was produced long before the pink-tinted glasses of EUR3, EUR4, EUR7 were even conceived? Because such a car would look more appropriate for the video? All in all – I strongly detest such "journalism" for the sake of having something to say – but in the end influencing mindsets of many people – without providing the facts which prove otherwise (which would be tha obligation of truly professional journalism).

  8. Borut Goli on January 19, 2023 at 7:29 am

    you cant measure how much NOx the car will emit for all driving condition unles you know the code ECU uses. There are just to many variables, so by my opinion code should not be encrypted by the manufacturer so EPA ans such could know how all this works. There is just so many variables at which part many cars switch off polution control, such as high or low outside temp, high altitude, cold engine, when accelerating etc.

    If you consider all most cars run in cities on short comuting lines. At winter diesel engine does not even warm up. At low temperature there in hardly any emission stuff that can work, neither catalytic converter or NOx or PM filters.

  9. MrGhee on January 19, 2023 at 7:31 am

    So thats why Trump pulled out of the Paris accord.

  10. Vladan Umicevic on January 19, 2023 at 7:32 am

    And those "students with passion" from US out of all manufactures in america they pick European model which they apparently cant pronounce correctly name of brand, it is folkswagen and not waltzwagen. *(even narrator is making same mistake)
    And when they found that numbers are faked they stopped testing other cars,why?

  11. Alexander Stollznow on January 19, 2023 at 7:33 am

    The overall thesis is just rubbish: the "cheating" has no impact at all; cars output the emissions they output, and they are as low as they can make them. Even if true, the fact that someone believes emissions or fuel consumption are better than they actually are, makes no difference to anything in the physical world.

  12. Peter W on January 19, 2023 at 7:33 am

    Diesels engines are fine, it’s the fuel that should be modified.

  13. m k on January 19, 2023 at 7:34 am

    One solution is to boycott a brand when you are not satisfied. the reasons can be many. so I have done. why promote a brand if you are not satisfied. try something else. it forces them to get better. in this way you get cheated a maximum of once.

  14. Nathan King on January 19, 2023 at 7:35 am

    34:00: Well well well, so I see that Volkswagen is guilty not only of deceiving pollution control devices and standards, but is also guilty of murder…well, actually more like manslaughter or negligent homicide since it wasn’t like they hid behind bushes with guns and ambushed their victims. It would be very interesting to see Volkswagen facing THOSE kinds of charges.

  15. theo wink on January 19, 2023 at 7:37 am

    Mission:hit a successful foreign brand
    hard and claim bilions.

  16. Asen Damyanov on January 19, 2023 at 7:38 am

    Sad when you know that this video will probably be buried in the internet and no one will care to watch. Not to mention all the other problems from selling SUVs to avoid emissions regulations to people removing their anti-emissions equipment…

  17. Ryan Edmonds on January 19, 2023 at 7:38 am

    But now they use liquid blue, so its ok now.

  18. lawrence willard on January 19, 2023 at 7:38 am

    Now all ‘news’ is questionable at its best, so anything reported has a very big ‘lean’, to factor in. Whatever the ‘lean’ is, it’s not for us. Look to see what is now ‘pushed’, this is the next nail in our coffin.

  19. K Z on January 19, 2023 at 7:39 am

    Diesel is far worse to green world better off on gas power engine because less affects if u dont like it then how about pull out catly converter in diesel n start it im sure u will smell it soo horrible n burn nose n skin but gas power engine doesnt it just stink (smell like rotten old boiler eggs) and gas power engine can pass emissions tests just by putting two more catly converter on it ~weirdo but it work~

  20. Warren Puckett on January 19, 2023 at 7:41 am

    Well it is a industry that is over government regulated by people that don’t understand engineering well enough to be doing engineering. Maybe a PHD dietician would do better.
    Example: Lets all drive electrics. So where is all that free energy going to come from?
    Maybe wood burning steamers ? Think the government is going to give out tax breaks for that?

  21. Midori 95 on January 19, 2023 at 7:49 am

    And the same thing will happen with electric and petrol. We already know petrol fumes are bad, and I bet that in 15 years it’ll "suddenly" be found out that electric car batteries are a huge waste problem. There is no silver bullet to solve these problems.

  22. Martin Matias on January 19, 2023 at 7:50 am

    Around 47:00 "its abit a waste" ande behind them huge diesel truck with exhousts stright up to the air is going brrrrrrrr.

  23. Corrado VRz on January 19, 2023 at 7:51 am

    I remember an independent documentary from Europe from around 2015-16 where they actually tested a Passat from the "affected" engines, and while it failed the modified test procedure the levels were far lower than the reported 40x pushed by the US government; the same couldn’t be said about the Opel Zafira they also tested under the same conditions in the same lab, which failed the modified test by levels that were outside the measurement capabilities of the lab performing the test.
    I was a VW tech in FL until Oct ’13. I suspect this whole ordeal was pushed by outside influence (i.e. Chevy) who standed to gain from this as they were trying to gain ground in the mid-sized diesel sedan market with their new (at the time) Cruze diesel.

  24. Martin Matias on January 19, 2023 at 7:51 am

    Amazing dokument. I didnt like diesels at all cuz i work with a cars.

  25. Alain Vadil on January 19, 2023 at 7:52 am

    Thankyou for uploading. Really nice info for engineers.

  26. M C Hammer on January 19, 2023 at 7:52 am

    Just still away from vw and audi

  27. Garneau Weld on January 19, 2023 at 7:52 am

    Please correct me if I’m incorrect, but do not plants feed on carbon dioxide as well as nitrogen oxide?

  28. Terry Stodolka on January 19, 2023 at 7:53 am

    Criminal collusion of the auto industry! Just lie and create the smoke screen of disinformation!

  29. MrGhee on January 19, 2023 at 7:55 am

    Short VW stock ?

  30. corinne Terblanche on January 19, 2023 at 7:56 am

    usa cars do not sell as good as vw cars this was a good idea to get them out of the usa

  31. Notmy Namme on January 19, 2023 at 7:58 am

    Where does the liability buck stop? Is it the car manufactures? Or the petrochemical industry? Or the regulators (our governments)?

  32. Jan de Jong on January 19, 2023 at 7:59 am

    The whole problem can be comprised as follows: earth is a mess controlled by money and by people who managed to get an extreme lot of it. And unfortunately government are totally controlled by the parties with the money.
    It is a tragedy that always managers and ministers are asked. Both never have even seen an engine, have no clue of technique or environmental limits and how to use them.

    But let us first analyse the NOx production by diesels and whether NOx is really a serious problem.

    First it would be worthwhile what NOx is and how it is formed during combustion.
    Knowing that it would be helpful to explain the techniques that are used to reduce NOx (staged combustion, exhaust gas recirculation, efficiency of a diesel engine).
    Then after the exhaust gas leaves the engine what technics van be used to absorb or convert the NOx.
    Possibly the options can be discussed what further options could be used to reduce NOx formation.

    The next question how harmful NOx really is. There are indeed NOX values used as environmental limits but how were these limits determined? Are these limits serious limits? And what level is a lethal value? And do people revover when they are exposed to a higher level during some time? And do our bodies clean themselves? And where should these limits be met?
    And then another thing: bear in mind that the NOx concentration at the exhaust is something different than the NOx concentration at 20 meters from the road ….

    Other question is what NOx does in the air in cities. Is NOX broken down and how?
    And then the question: is there a real problem with NOX?

    In a good documentary I would expect to hear technical specialists (academic engineers and scientists) who are concerned with the design and development of diesel engines. When you want true information never ask a minister or a manager … The technical specialist can tell everything how NOx is formed and how the NOx production can be reduced. EGR indeed is an effective means to affect engine performance but clearly has advantages and disadvantages.

    Subsequently ask medical and envronmental professionals about whether NOx is a serious problem and if so at what concentration. And the other question: how is NOx broken down in the atmosphere. And then also investigate the NOx in our houses nearby a road.

    I expect that when a documentary is set up as described above you get a muc clearer picture, which I expect would not be as dramatic as is painted now.

  33. Deepthought 42 on January 19, 2023 at 8:00 am

    And in 2021 I wonder just how much we are being conned about how environmentally friendly electric cars are?

  34. Ondrej Jánoška on January 19, 2023 at 8:02 am

    Little old or?

  35. SG super on January 19, 2023 at 8:04 am

    Simple, only allow electric powerd private cars in cities and town centre. The money is wasted testing and regulating something burning fuels.

  36. 1963 TOMB on January 19, 2023 at 8:06 am

    Not one mention of the EPA fines handed out in 1998 to Caterpillar, Mack, Cummins, Detroit, Renault, Volvo and Navistar for their defeat devices: shame on you!

  37. Jack Verster on January 19, 2023 at 8:09 am

    I would love to see the same test on gasoline/petrol cars. The gas guzzlers in the USA is pumping al lot of fumes into the air, even then the test labs are silent about that?

  38. john burrows on January 19, 2023 at 8:09 am

    And we have diesel drivers now ‘deleting dpf’s and EGRs’ for the sake of not wanting to address the real issues of keeping cars fully serviced and running properly. So, if these cars are between 5 and 9 times over the NOX limit, with dpf’s and EGR valves in place, what are the levels of pollution with them removed? Maybe prosecutions all round?

  39. Monkey Magic on January 19, 2023 at 8:11 am

    At the heart of it all….BOSCH!….end of….

  40. Alpenfox | Video on January 19, 2023 at 8:12 am

    and then there are the diesel cars still going around with failed injectors making plumes of black smoke

  41. Adrian Badea on January 19, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Diesel Power 😎

  42. hdj81Vlimited on January 19, 2023 at 8:13 am

    So the standards are to high.

  43. Jeffrey Cheng on January 19, 2023 at 8:14 am

    Don’t ask, don’t tell.

  44. Nathan King on January 19, 2023 at 8:14 am

    41:26: Cute — the messing with the female hair.

  45. Bobby Howie on January 19, 2023 at 8:15 am

    VAG are criminals and bought their way out of prison in America. In the UK they pretended to fix the problem but actually just removed the Dino detect code and left the pollution permanently on! Profit before everything else. Audi will rob you.

  46. Gmail User on January 19, 2023 at 8:16 am

    The bottom line is, regardless of emission standards…don’t try to fool the US federal government.

  47. foppo on January 19, 2023 at 8:16 am

    And how many children are damaged by the pollution caused by this fiasco? The people who perpetrated this should be locked up.And old saying the majority of criminals are outside a prison.

  48. Andrew M562 on January 19, 2023 at 8:17 am

    @ENDEVR I am a car guy. And I don’t care how much emissions of vehicle gives out as long as it doesn’t have bad performance. Because as I see the air is clean enough and I’m part of the world is still cold if in anyway I can warm it up without killing us that is good for me. And if you say it is slowly killing us I don’t know how slow but not enough to be noticeable. And if it is it is worth it for the performances and ease-of-use versus having a vehicle I can barely go anywhere due to emotional restrictions.

  49. romatrix wiper on January 19, 2023 at 8:18 am

    gotta love fat V8s and them big loud powestroke diesels

  50. easy education on January 19, 2023 at 8:19 am

    If this happens in west there is no stopping these greed of automakers. What would happen in other countries. Only God can save humanity.