Ford CEO Finally Confirms New Business Model | HUGE NEWS!

Ford CEO Finally Confirms New Business Model | HUGE NEWS!

Ford, one of the automotive industry’s longstanding giants, is embarking on a transformative journey with a new business model that closely mirrors Tesla’s successful approach. In a bold move, Ford has shifted its sales strategy to focus primarily on online sales, revolutionizing the way customers purchase their vehicles.

By adopting an online-first approach, Ford aims to streamline the car-buying experience, offering greater convenience, efficiency, and transparency to consumers. With just a few clicks, customers can explore Ford’s lineup, customize their desired vehicle, and complete the entire purchase process from the comfort of their own homes.

This paradigm shift eliminates the traditional dealership model, allowing Ford to directly interact with customers and establish a stronger connection throughout the entire purchasing journey. By cutting out the middleman, Ford can deliver competitive pricing, provide enhanced customer support, and deliver a seamless digital experience.

The online sales model also enables Ford to stay at the forefront of automotive innovation. With the ability to swiftly roll out updates, new features, and over-the-air software enhancements, Ford can keep their vehicles up-to-date and offer customers the latest advancements in technology.

While Ford’s transition to an online sales model may disrupt the traditional dealership landscape, it represents an exciting leap forward for the company and the industry as a whole. By following in Tesla’s footsteps, Ford aims to cater to the evolving needs and preferences of modern consumers while embracing the digital age with open arms.

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  1. NitroG66 on November 4, 2023 at 4:29 am

    Low price….? A PIPE DREAM!!!!! 😂

  2. Proud Veteran on November 4, 2023 at 4:29 am

    Toyota and Honda are looking better all the time

  3. K H on November 4, 2023 at 4:31 am

    I believe that the electric car idea will collapse because we use too much electricity now.

  4. milleniumman911 on November 4, 2023 at 4:33 am

    Greed always make this happen

  5. kenneth j daggett on November 4, 2023 at 4:37 am

    Buthurt Ford dealers, I have NO PITY for them.

  6. North Georgia Hawg on November 4, 2023 at 4:39 am

    The time for auto Stealerships to exist has long past. The entire auto industry is warped, and vehicles cost far more than they could and SHOULD. Stealerships make TONS of money on markups, financing, and on service contracts. Also, there are FAR too many stealerships in the US… and I see more opening every day here. It’s pretty nuts!

    Tesla’s fixed price model is the way forward, I think. But that said, I think the EV "revolution" is going to be one of the most disruptive economic events EVER, for better or worse, and the Big 3 simply cannot compete effectively with Tesla – a company that was built from the ground up to manufacture EVs and ONLY EVs. Tesla’s manufacturing efficiencies and economies of scale will be VERY difficult if not impossible for traditional automakers to achieve. I think many BILLIONS will be spent and lost in the EV space by traditional automakers in the coming years.

  7. Ray Lamp on November 4, 2023 at 4:47 am

    Domestic warranty dependent, recall plaqued trash. As a flat rate tech at a large dealership i can vouch for this and so could my dropping paychecks. Phuc this junk i got out and took the $100k of tools i had to buy with me.

  8. Technology D on November 4, 2023 at 4:53 am

    Finally we can order cars through Ford website 😅 no more dealerships markup 🤣 thank god.

  9. Alejandro Moreno on November 4, 2023 at 4:53 am

    I wonder what people are going to say when their job goes next?

  10. Josh Powers on November 4, 2023 at 4:57 am

    Ford is a nazi company

  11. Tommy Byrnes on November 4, 2023 at 4:58 am

    Does this just involve their electric vehicles only?

  12. C.R. Edwards on November 4, 2023 at 4:59 am

    Abolish the stealerships, and sell direct to customers! Those salesman are usually a bunch of losers anyways, they can go work at Mcdonalds or Walmart, they’ll be okay!

  13. Nathanael on November 4, 2023 at 5:00 am

    Why does anyone want to buy American cars anyway?

  14. Terry Rowsell on November 4, 2023 at 5:03 am

    I have [NO SYMPATHY] for Ford or GM in regards to this [MESS] they find themselves into. As a customer of both in the past years, I found that their dealerships had [NO FEAR] in {SCREWING OVER] us as customers both on the vehicle sales end of their business entity or the services end of their entity. What I found on the Ford end of things was that [DUE TO] an injury at work, I wasn’t able to maintain my vehicle payments in 2008 but I had [INSURANCE PROTECTION] through Ford who were obligated to take care off my payments. My insurance was [CUT OFF] after 5 months despite the fact that I was {NEVER EVER ABLE TO RETURN BACK TO MY WORK AGAIN} due to the severity of my injury. This should have led to my vehicle payments being made all the way to my completely owning the vehicle through my insurance program with Ford but what happened [NEXT] was a [COMPLETE FRADULENT MATTER] both from the Ford Dealership & the Ford Insurance Program. What the Ford Insurance company did was issue me a check for over $5000 to cover my arrear payments but they gave the check to the Ford dealership. What the Ford Dealership company did was to direct a Towing Company to do a [REPO] of my truck at this same sequence as they received this $5000 check. What the dealership receiving the $5000 should have done was to [CLEAR MY ARREARS] in payments which thus would ha & should have made it [ILLEGAL] to be a [REPO].
    Then another example by a GM dealership was that they [RECEIVED MY BORROWED VEHICLE TO A FRIEND], my own registered & insured vehicle into their Service Department & did repairs [WITHOUT MY CONCENT OR KNOWLEDGE OF] until the repairs were done. It wasn’t until they completed the repairs was I notified of the repairs. Then they [REFUSED TO RETURN MY VEHICLE] back to me {UNTIL I PAYED THE BILL} of which I [REFUSED TO DO] because I am a mechanic & do my own repairs myself. After this dealership held onto my vehicle for over 3 years, they disposed off my vehicle & I [RECEIVED NOTHING IN RETURN] from them.
    In regards to the Service Centres of both Ford & GM dealerships, they all [SIFE AS MUCH MONEY FROM THEIR CUSTOMERS AS THEY CAN POSSIBLE GET AWAY WITH] & it’s like these dealerships feel like they have [EVERY RIGHT] to [TAKE MONEY] from you as they can & in a [THEFT KIND OF A WAY]. This is [DONE] under the [KNOWING OFF] by {FORD & GM} who has [LOOKED THE OTHER WAY] while all this [WAS/IS GOING ON] under their noses.
    Now it looks like something is being done but [SADLY] it is [ONLY COMING] just because [FORD & GM] are realizing that if they [DO NOTHING] they stand to be [FINANCIALLY RUINED] forever. In closing, I have to [SAY] that I feel [NO SORROW] for {FORD/GM NOR THEIR DEALERSHIPS} as they are getting what they [ALL DESERVE] & it’s all been far too long [COMING]? God Bless

  15. Wen Gelder on November 4, 2023 at 5:03 am

    In most states it’s u lawful to sell cars directly . Some enforcing it with Tesla . Texas for example .

  16. j c on November 4, 2023 at 5:05 am

    Fix or repair daily. This will make junk yard owners rich. Go for it ford.

  17. Jerry Norton on November 4, 2023 at 5:07 am

    Just like the Japenies

  18. Dave Carlson on November 4, 2023 at 5:09 am

    Smart business model these days is on-line ordering and sales at fixed, no-haggle pricing set by Ford, delivered to the dealer of your choice for prep and long-term service. Dealing with unempowered sales-rep dudes who know less about the vehicle than I do and have No-Authority to discuss pricing and options and must run back to the "slow-rolling" Sales-Manager to get an answer to every question I ask has been a total waste of my time and a painful business model.

  19. bobwhite2 on November 4, 2023 at 5:10 am

    Build a car that equals the quality and longevity of Honda then you’d need more dealerships. They are slowly cutting you up. Such a shame, shame, shame!

  20. black beard on November 4, 2023 at 5:16 am

    As much as I dis like dealerships they are needed. Just like in Real Estate, those cars / Houses / Apartments will not sell themselves. Dealing online just is not a good sales model at all. Worse Electric cars amount to 4% of the market and this rocket scientists wants to bet the bank on that alone? I really hope that the feds have not promised Ford a Bailout when they lose $ billions . I will never own an Electric Car eve, not even at gun point